Curriculum Vitae Thorvaldur Skuli Palsson
Uddannelse & Kvalifikationer
- Nuværende: Lektor ved det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet
- 2014: Ph.D. i Clinical Science and Biomedicine, Aalborg Universitet
- 2012: Godkendt af Danske Fysioterapeuter som Specialist i Muskuloskeletal Fysioterapi i 2012
- 2010: Certificeret Manuel Terapeut – Sundhedsstyrelsen, Norge
- 2008: Master of Manipulative Therapy fra Curtin University, Perth, Australien
- 2003: BSc i fysioterapi fra Islands Universitet
Klinisk erfaring
- Nuværende Apex Fysioterapi – Undersøgelse og udredning af smerteproblematikker fra ryggraden, bækken, hofte og skuldere
- 2010 – 2013 Arkadens Fysioterapi – Undersøgelse og udredning af smerteproblematikker fra ryggraden, bækken, hofte og skuldere
- 2010: Fysioterapeut i et tværfagligt team på Rygcenter Middelfart, Sygehus Lillebælt
- 2009 – 2010 Manuel Terapeut, Oslo Norge
- 2008 Muskuloskeletal Fysioterapeut, Perth Australien
- 2003 – 2008 Afl-Fysioterapi – Vurdering og udredning af muskuloskeletale smertesyndromer
- 2003 – 2008 Fysioterapeut for diverse fodbold og håndboldhold på klub og landsholdniveau;
- Det islandske U18 og U20 damelandshold i håndbold
- Valur håndboldklub (kvinder)
- Grotta/Kr håndboldklub (mænd og kvinder)
- Fylkir fodboldklub (Island)
- Haukar fodboldklub (Island)
- Team Tvis Holstebro håndboldklub
- 2012: Curtin University, Perth Australien: september – desember 2012: Projekttitel: Pregnancy is characterised by widespread deep-tissue hypersensitivity independent of lumbopelvic pain intensity, a facilitated response to manual orthopedic tests and poorer self-reported health. Projekt afsluttet og publiceret i marts 2015
Akademiske priser & Udmærkelser
- EliteForsk-rejsestipendium i 2012 fra Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet. Prisen skal bidrage til, at meget talentfulde ph.d.-studerende kan få længervarende studieophold ved de allerbedste forskningsmiljøer i verden
Inviteret foredragsholder, Symposier & Workshops
- 2020 V Congreso Internacional de Fisioterapia y Dolor, Zaragoza, Spanien – Inviteret oplægsholder
- 2019 Temporal dynamics of sensitisation along a continuum of spinal pain, EFIC conference, Valencia, Spain – Chair og moderator
- 2019 OptiYouth symposium on adolescent musculoskeletal health – Inviteret oplægsholder
- 2018 Workshop til PhD vejledere – PhD skolen, Aalborg Universitet
- 2018 Årsmødet for muskel og ledsmerter: “Adolescents with musculoskeletal pain” – Styregruppe
- 2018 Konstituteret medlem af videnskabsetisk komtié, Region Nordjylland
- 2018 Modulation of Musculoskeletal Pain. Boðsfyrirlestur við Curtin University, Perth, Australien
- 2018 Revision af IASP’s curriculum (International Association for the Study of Pain) – Ekstern bedømmelsesudvalg
- 2017 Muskuloskeletale smerter – Evidensbaseret undersøgelse og behandling. Fyraftensmøde arrangeret af Danske Fysioterapeuter
- 2017 Smerter og deres betydning for motorisk kontrol. Fyraftensforelæsning ved The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Australien
- 2017 Scandinavian Association for the study of pain (SASP) årsmøde, Aalborg, Danmark – Styregruppe
- 2016 Scandinavian Association for the study of pain (SASP) årsmøde,Reykjavík, Ísland – Inviteret oplægsholder
- 2016 – 2020 Dansk Smerteforum (The Danish Pain Society) – Valgt bestyrelsesmedlem
- 2015 – 2017 Konstituteret medlem i en arbejdsgruppe for Sundhedsstyrelsen på nationale kliniske retningslinjer for rygsmerter med og uden udstråling
- 2015: Fysioterapikongressen afholdt af det norske Fysioterapeutforbund, Lillestrøm, Norge – Inviteret foredragsholder
- 2014: Workshop: ” Muskuloskeletale smerter – Undersøgelse og evidens”. Forsknings- og Udviklingssymposium , UCN
- 2014: ”Smerter og motorisk kontrol i relation til bækken, lænd og nakke – implikationer for forskning i klinisk praksis” – UCN
- 2014: Fysioterapiuddannelsen San Jorge Universitet, Zaragoza, Spanien – Gæsteforelæser i emnet ”Undersøgelse og udredning af muskuloskeletale smerter”
- 2014: Dansk Smerteforum’s årsmøde, Horsens – Inviteret foredragsholder
- 2013: Islandske Fysioterapeuters årsmøde, Island – Inviteret foredragsholder
- 2013: The 8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic pain, Dubai –Inviteret foredragsholder
- 2013: Gender differences in visceral pain, Dronninglund – Inviteret foredragsholder
- Nuverænde: Koordinering, vejledning og undervisning på Kandidatuddannelsen i Muskuloskeletal Fysioterapi, Aalborg Universitet
- Nuværende: Gruppevejledning og undervisning på bachelor- og kandidatniveau ved det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet. Studiekoordinator for masteruddannelse i smertevidenskab og tværfaglige smertebehandling, Aalborg Universitet.
- Nuværende : Fysioterapiuddannelsen på University College Nordjylland – Gæsteforelæser i smertefysiologi siden 2011
Peer-Reviewed Artikler
Beales D, Slater H, Palsson TS, O’Sullivan P. Understanding and managing pelvic girdle pain from a person-centred biopsychosocial perspective. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2020. Accepted for publication
Galve Villa M, D Mørch C, Palsson TS, Boudreau SA. Modifiable motion graphics for capturing sensations. PLoS One. 2020 Feb 24;15(2):e0229139. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229139. eCollection 2020.
Palsson TS, Boudreau S, Høgh M, Herrero P, Bellosta-Lopez P, Domenech-Garcia V, Langella F, Gagni N, Christensen SW, Villumsen M. Education as a strategy for managing occupational-related musculoskeletal pain: a scoping review. BMJ Open. 2020 Feb 12;10(2):e032668. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032668. PMID: 32051307
Vaegter HB, Ussing K, Johansen JV, Stegemejer I, Palsson TS, O’Sullivan P, Kent P. Improvements in clinical pain and experimental pain sensitivity after cognitive functional therapy in patients with severe persistent low back pain. Pain Rep. 2019 Dec 17;5(1):e802. doi: 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000802. eCollection 2020 Jan-Feb.PMID: 32072097 Free PMC Article
Palsson TS, Christensen SW, Pape MH, Hirata RP, Rafn T, Skou S. Cross-cultural adaptation of the Danish version of the Big Five Inventory – a dual-panel approach. Scand J Pain. Dec 4. pii: /j/sjpain.ahead-of-print/sjpain-2019-0066/sjpain-2019-0066.xml. doi: 10.1515/sjpain-2019-0066. [Epub ahead of print]
Suda EY, Hirata RP, Palsson TS, Vuillerme N, Sacco ICN, Graven-Nielsen T. Experimental knee-related pain enhances attentional interference on postural control. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2019 Sep;119(9):2053-2064. doi: 10.1007/s00421-019-04192-9. Epub 2019 Jul 20
Palsson TS, Gibson W, Darlow B, Bunzli S, Lehman G, Rabey M, Moloney N, Vaegter HB, Bagg MK, Travers M. Changing the Narrative in Diagnosis and Management of Pain in the Sacroiliac Joint Area. Phys Ther. 2019 Jul 29. pii: pzz108. doi: 10.1093/ptj/pzz108. [Epub ahead of print]
Palsson TS, Travers MJ, Rafn T, Ingemann-Molden S, Caneiro JP, Christensen SW. The use of posture-correcting shirts for managing musculoskeletal pain is not supported by current evidence – a scoping review of the literature. Scand J Pain. 2019 May 10. pii: /j/sjpain.ahead-of-print/sjpain-2019-0005/sjpain-2019-0005.xml. doi: 10.1515/sjpain-2019-0005. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
Travers MJ, Murphy MC, Debenham JR, Chivers P, Bulsara MK, Bagg MK, Palsson TS, Gibson W. Should this systematic review and meta-analysis change my practice? Part 1: exploring treatment effect and trustworthiness. Br J Sports Med. 2019 Apr 8. pii: bjsports-2018-099958. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099958. [Epub ahead of print]
Travers MJ, Murphy MC, Debenham JR, Chivers P, Bulsara MK, Bagg MK, Palsson TS, Gibson W. Should this systematic review and meta-analysis change my practice? Part 2: exploring the role of the comparator, diversity, risk of bias and confidence. Br J Sports Med. 2019 Apr 8. pii: bjsports-2018-099959. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2018-099959. [Epub ahead of print]
Støve MP, Hirata RP, Palsson TS. Muscle stretching – the potential role of endogenous pain inhibitory modulation on stretch tolerance. Scand J Pain. 2019 Apr 24;19(2):415-422. doi: 10.1515/sjpain-2018-0334.
Palsson TS, Christensen SW, Thomsen MH, Hirata RP. Assessment of range and quality of neck movement using a smartphone-based application. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2019 Jun;41:64-69. doi: 10.1016/j.msksp.2019.01.002. Epub 2019 Jan 9.
Gibson, W., T.S Palsson, E. Coopes, B .M. Wand, M.J. Travers. Thrust manipulation may not decrease the intensity of chronic low back pain. Letter to the editor regarding “Manipulation and mobilization for treating chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis” by Coulter et al. The Spine Journal. July 2018
Travers M, Moss P, Gibson W, Hince D, Yorke S, Chung C, Langford R, Tan EEW, Ng J, Palsson TS. Exercise-induced hypoalgesia in women with varying levels of menstrual pain. Scand J Pain. 2018 Apr 25;18(2):303-310. doi: 10.1515/sjpain-2018-0020. PubMed PMID: 29794304.
Palsson TS, Boudreau SA, Krebs HJ, Graven-Nielsen T. Experimental Referred Pain Extends Toward Previously Injured Location: An Explorative Study. J Pain. 2018 May 17. pii: S1526-5900(18)30184-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2018.04.018. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29777951.
Palsson TS, Caneiro JP, Hirata RP, Griffin D, Gibson W, Travers MJ. Commentary: Trunk Muscle Activity during Drop Jump Performance in Adolescent Athletes with Back Pain. Front Physiol. 2018 Apr 16;9:298. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00298. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID: 29755359; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5932380.
Toftdahl AKS, Pape-Haugaard LB, Palsson TS, Villumsen M. Collect Once – Use Many Times: The Research Potential of Low Back Pain Patients’ Municipal Electronic Healthcare Records. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2018;247:211-215. PubMed PMID: 29677953.
Doménech-García V, Palsson TS, Boudreau SA, Herrero P, Graven-Nielsen T. Pressure-induced referred pain areas are more expansive in individuals with a recovered fracture. Pain. 2018 Mar 30. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001234. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29608510.
Travers MJ, Bagg MK, Gibson W, O’Sullivan K, Palsson TS. Better than what? Comparisons in low back pain clinical trials. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Feb 2. pii: bjsports-2017-098130. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098130. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29420237.
Støve MP, Palsson TS, Hirata RP. Smartphone-based accelerometry is a valid tool for measuring dynamic changes in knee extension range of motion. Knee. 2018 Jan;25(1):66-72. doi: 10.1016/j.knee.2017.11.001. Epub 2017 Nov 20. PubMed PMID: 29162377.
Drew MK, Lovell G, Palsson TS, Chiarelli PE, Osmotherly PG. Australian football players experiencing groin pain exhibit reduced subscale scores of Activities of Daily Living and Sport and Recreation on the HAGOS questionnaire: A case-control study. Phys Ther Sport. 2017 Jul;26:7-12. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2017.04.004. Epub 2017 Apr 20. PubMed PMID: 28549243.
Mrachacz-Kersting N, Yao L, Gervasio S, Jiang N, Palsson TS, Graven-Nielsen T, Falla D, Dremstrup K, Farina D. A Brain-Computer-Interface to Combat Musculoskeletal Pain. In: Brain-Computer Interface Research (pp 123-130).2017
Drew MK, Palsson TS, Hirata RP, Izumi M, Lovell G, Welvaert M, Chiarelli P, Osmotherly PG, Graven-Nielsen T. Experimental pain in the groin may refer into the lower abdomen: Implications to clinical assessments. J Sci Med Sport. 2017 Oct;20(10):904-909. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.04.007. Epub 2017 Apr 21. PubMed PMID: 28526226.
Schabrun SM, Palsson TS, Thapa T, Graven-Nielsen T. Movement Does Not Promote Recovery of Motor Output Following Acute Experimental Muscle Pain. Pain Med. 2018 Mar 1;19(3):608-614. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx099. PubMed PMID: 28525636.
Stochkendahl MJ, Kjaer P, Hartvigsen J, Kongsted A, Aaboe J, Andersen M, Andersen MØ, Fournier G, Højgaard B, Jensen MB, Jensen LD, Karbo T, Kirkeskov L, Melbye M, Morsel-Carlsen L, Nordsteen J, Palsson TS, Rasti Z, Silbye PF, Steiness MZ, Tarp S, Vaagholt M. National Clinical Guidelines for non-surgical treatment of patients with recent onset low back pain or lumbar radiculopathy. Eur Spine J. 2018 Jan;27(1):60-75. doi: 10.1007/s00586-017-5099-2. Epub 2017 Apr 20. Review. PubMed PMID: 28429142.
Vaegter HB, Palsson TS, Graven-Nielsen T. Facilitated Pronociceptive Pain Mechanisms in Radiating Back Pain Compared With Localized Back Pain. J Pain. 2017 Aug;18(8):973-983. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2017.03.002. Epub 2017 Mar 24. PubMed PMID: 28344100.
Rabey M, Hall T, Hebron C, Palsson TS, Christensen SW, Moloney N. Reconceptualising manual therapy skills in contemporary practice. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2017 Jun;29:28-32. doi: 10.1016/j.msksp.2017.02.010. Epub 2017 Mar 6. PubMed PMID: 28286240.
Doménech-García V, Palsson TS, Herrero P, Graven-Nielsen T. Pressure-induced referred pain is expanded by persistent soreness. Pain. 2016 May;157(5):1164-72. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000497. PubMed PMID: 26808146.
Drew MK, Lovell G, Palsson TS, Chiarelli PE, Osmotherly PG. Do Australian Football players have sensitive groins? Players with current groin pain exhibit mechanical hyperalgesia of the adductor tendon. J Sci Med Sport. 2016 Oct;19(10):784-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2015.12.516. Epub 2016 Jan 7. PubMed PMID: 26794720.
Drew MK, Palsson TS, Izumi M, Hirata RP, Lovell G, Chiarelli P, Osmotherly PG, Graven-Nielsen T. Resisted adduction in hip neutral is a superior provocation test to assess adductor longus pain: An experimental pain study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2016 Aug;26(8):967-74. doi: 10.1111/sms.12529. Epub 2015 Aug 6. PubMed PMID: 26247618.
Palsson TS, Beales D, Slater H, O’Sullivan P, Graven-Nielsen T. Pregnancy is characterized by widespread deep-tissue hypersensitivity independent of lumbopelvic pain intensity, a facilitated response to manual orthopedic tests, and poorer self-reported health. J Pain. 2015 Mar;16(3):270-82. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2014.12.002. Epub 2014 Dec 23. PubMed PMID: 25540938.
Palsson TS, Hirata RP, Graven-Nielsen T. Experimental Pelvic Pain Impairs the Performance During the Active Straight Leg Raise Test and Causes Excessive Muscle Stabilization. Clin J Pain. 2015 Jul;31(7):642-51. doi: 10.1097/AJP.0000000000000139. PubMed PMID: 25119510.
Palsson TS, Graven-Nielsen T. Experimental pelvic pain facilitates pain provocation tests and causes regional hyperalgesia. Pain. 2012 Nov;153(11):2233-40. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2012.07.013. Epub 2012 Aug 22. PMID: 22921262
Edmondston S, Björnsdóttir G, Pálsson T, Solgård H, Ussing K, Allison G. Endurance and fatigue characteristics of the neck flexor and extensor muscles during isometric tests in patients with postural neck pain. Man Ther. 2011 Aug;16(4):332-8. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2010.12.005. Epub 2011 Jan 20.